Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Should we fear the cold with no snow?

 First, let's stipulate that frost and freezing - this is not the same. Frost - is when a pool of frozen night time to melt before the end of the day. If not, then a period of frost. The main thing in this season, not to confuse the spring to autumn. The really dangerous only spring frosts. If the fall frosts hit "on a dry," not even sheltered the plants do not need to worry once again, simply continue their cover.
 Remember that you should not do in the autumn:
 - First, do not water the plants with hot water,
 - Secondly, we should not fumigate their fires
 - Thirdly, in any case do not put no manure, as it will raise the temperature of the earth,
 - Fourth, do not spray, "Zirconia" or "Epinay."
 When the temperature drops, the plants begin to go into a state of rest, if at this point to treat them with warm water, you may wake up some shoots for frost and they will die. By themselves, even in the freezing snow is not sheltered land, not terrible. Dangerous cold of minus 15 degrees, if they hold more than 2 days without snow. As a rule, in the early winter planting are most vulnerable.

 Do not worry, you do not have time to cover all the plants. A couple of days with night frosts in the 5-7 degrees easily withstand even the most "gentle" plants. In addition, many experts recommend starting the shelter plants only when daytime temperatures will not rise above zero, and the earth chilled for at least a depth of 5-6 inches. If you start to cover before this time, it is likely that the plants will rot.
 First, we should pay attention to those plants that were planted this year. Because they could not make it safe to take root in the soil, the greatest danger. During the first year of life is recommended to cover, and frost-resistant crops: planting a young strawberry, apple seedlings if they are located at higher elevations. This is especially true when the plants are planted on clay soils, because they accumulate a lot of water, and after a long time freezing thawing. Plants, planted in a soil in the spring may need additional powers to recover, especially if they grow in the lowlands.
 Now a little elaborate on how should we hide the plants for the winter. It is necessary to withstand the shelter as a lot of snow and broke under his weight. First, cover the plants better spruce branches or wooden bars, over which distribute the dried leaves, so the first snow will not blow with the landings. Another good idea to put on top of spruce branches cellophane film, it will protect plants from excessive moisture in the case of a thaw. But in any case foil covers plants at once, between it and the plant should be free space, or condensate from the film will fall on the plants. The best material for the cover is of oak leaves, as it does not rot and protects plants from this. Remember that the shelter needs dry foliage, and it should be put in dry weather.
 In conclusion, we note that the foliage tends to condense under the weight of snow and spring it can lead to the fact that the plant will rot. To avoid this, before the plants leaf litter cover, cover them with wooden crates and cages from the boards. They will not let the leaves and scatter cake. To cover can be used not only leaves but also sawdust, humus, peat, chips and bumps. Straw and dry grass is not recommended, they are a favorite place for mice and rats.

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