Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prepare plants for winter

Almost every fall, most gardeners make a promise not to get rid of the frost-resistant plants. However, many people forget the spring of his intention. What kind of cover will suit your pet?
 The temperature inside and outside of any shelter, even if it has low thermal conductivity, is virtually the same. Do not deceive ourselves, shielding the bush, even in the highest quality insulation. It does not add heat, just helps to smooth out sudden changes in temperature and, perhaps, somewhat lower vlagoisparenie. A truly warm the plant can only land. Therefore, all too tender plants should bend low and did not use the thermal insulation between the ground and plants - all insulation should be laid only at the top. The best insulation can be regarded as the snow and, more specifically, the air, which is in the fresh snow.
 In winter, plants can suffer from dehydration, especially evergreens with a large area of ​​evaporation. Plants also can suffer from extremes of temperature, especially in early spring, when the day can warm sun, and at night the temperature drops, these drops from the bark of plants may just crack.

 What is shelter for the winter?
 Rose. There are two methods: air dry coating (if the gardener during the thaw will be able to name the plants open and ventilate them) and so-called "breathing" cover, which produce, as a rule, non-woven fabrics. The same option can be attached and spruce branches, although the shelter of the spruce branches is quite dark, the sun vytaivayut of snow quickly enough and the plants are losing the protective cap of snow. Thus, it is better to use non-woven material density from 40 to 60 g/kv2, preferably white.
 Roses should be cut and okuchit (optional). Is it any hill, quite a controversial issue and everyone can decide it for themselves by experience, given the conditions at the site. Long branches should bend close to the ground, to put an arc from the wire so that the honey, cover and left branches of the bushes a little bit of air and snow is not broke. Then this structure is covered with a covering material. Many gardeners recommend cover rose with the first frost, but some carry out this procedure in October of heat. Open rose is better in May when it disclosed the kidney. Another desirable to remove the shelter from the flowers all the leaves so they do not fall at the base of the bush and do not bend it. Also be sure to cover costs clematis, Japanese maples, hydrangeas.
 There are plants that do not necessarily cover, but it is sometimes desirable. This, for example, magnolias, rhododendrons, some varieties of conifers. These plants are not so sensitive to cold, as to temperature, so they should not hide, and pritenyat (cardboard, hessian, boards).
 Do tree peonies and rhododendrons, deciduous kidney could be seriously affected, formed in the fall. If desired, you can bend the plants under the snow, but if the bushes are too high for this, we can expect that after a very severe winter blooms can be significantly reduced. Also we advise on the south side pritemnit such plants, you can also whiten the trunks of trees that are prone to shake.
 There are perennial plants, which should cover the winter on the ground or at very low arches. These plants are sensitive to cold roots and buds - Japanese and bearded iris, arizemy, inkarvillei, geyhery, some species of ferns, alpine plants. These plants are planted in the fall and did not have time to strengthen the roots well. Some even harbor alpine slides. At the same time on the water slides covering materials and plants are not too zamokayut.
 Some plants do not necessarily cover, but they bend to the ground under the snow still desirable. This is some sort deytsii, forsythias and other shrubs with pretty hardy shoots, but not hardy flower buds. Flatten a bush is not very easy, it is best to carry out this procedure for heat, in several stages.
 It is important that a shelter was not more humid than outside, because the excess moisture can cause fungal disease and rot. Shelter's okay to skip a couple of water and should not be met from within the condensate. To do this, should cover the plants in a fairly dry weather and it is desirable to handle hoarding plant antifungal drugs.
 Care should be taken to the shelter were relatively prominent, and on the edges and in the depressions do not grow anything of value.
 Long layers of covering material should be put carefully. If part of the shelter will be provided in the sunlight and part in shadow, the snow can go very uneven.
 It should be noted that mice are very similar like the cover, so that we can expand the poisoned bait.
 Before you cover the plants, inspect them carefully, they do not have a handle on the disease. It is necessary to remove the fallen leaves, cut the juicy stems, which can serve as a conductor of cold, tie to supports such plants, which can be broken by snow (eg, conifers). And wish their students successful winter.

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