Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Features of cultivation of pepper.

Pepper - a tropical (and therefore light and teplolyubimoe) plant. Pepper also requires a lot of moisture, especially during the flowering and fruiting. If this plant will not have enough moisture, it yields him a lot snizhetsya and the quality of the fruit ceases to worse. The advantage of peppers grown seedling method. As for the seedlings will need to be grown indoors with heating.
 Grow peppers can be boxes, cups, a variety of pots. Seeds of pepper (seedlings) are planted at different times. It depends on where future growth of the plant. For example, in different times need to plant the seedlings in the greenhouse and in open ground. Seeds should be sown in about 60-70 days to complete time warming up the soil, which will be made the landing. The soil warms up to about mid-May.
 Very useful for buduyuschego plants, fertilizing the seeds of their planting or germination. At home, the seeds can sprout, and with a damp gauze.
 In the pots and boxes (which will be planted with seeds) should be a good drinazh. Poured over it a layer of loose soil to 10 cm top soil leveled and made grooves in it. Then, in these grooves, hand-placed seeds at a distance of 7 to 20 mm. All of this is filled with a thin layer of manure.Fertilizer could provide humus or sand.
The contents of the box is well watered, covered with glass or plastic film and placed in a warm place. After germination the glass is removed.
 Before landing in the open ground, it is desirable to harden the seedlings. You can do it a little snow cover the temperature in the room and reduce the frequency of watering plants.

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