Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to grow agricultural products with a computer?

 To ensure stable productivity of vegetable fields, the culture should be cultivated in the agronomically correct and economically sound crop rotations. Vegetables are very responsive to improved growing conditions, so they should be put on the best predecessors, which in the area of ​​research should be considered as alfalfa, grains, cereals, root crops.
 Stipulate at the beginning of the structural features of the technology of cultivation of agricultural crops in order to identify the level of detail and separate functional tasks of the components of technology.
 In general, the problem of technology - to harvest the crop by successive technological processes (TP) and operations (TO).
 The task of the process - ensuring consistent operations through the implementation of interim targets for soil preparation, sowing (planting), care of crops, harvesting.
 Problems of technological operations - to ensure the passage of the process in accordance with the rules and agronomic requirements.
 Thus, the technology is divided into processes and manufacturing operations. In turn, manufacturing operations can be major (plowing, fertilizing, watering, etc.), support (transport), servicing (preparation, follow-up).

 How does this all count? Usually, the calculation of the flow chart - can be solved by hand. This is a very long and tpudoemky the process. After all, should take into account all the costs that are necessary for the cultivation of crops: planting materials, the cost of irrigation, fertilizers, accounting work.
 To solve this problem was designed software package that performs the following functions:
 - Collection and storage of primary data in the form of handbooks, data entry, editing, updating, and deleting information from reference books;
 - Generate reports on all available information with the ability to preview reports on screen display and the subsequent delivery of them on paper;
 - Carrying out the automatic calculation of the cost-effectiveness of various agromeropriyaty, both complete cycles of cultivation and individual process;
 - Planning cycles and technological processes with different input conditions;
 - Zipping and unzipping files, flow charts, for any culture that provides storage of backup data in case of failures and data loss resulting from any action.
 Also, be aware that:
 - Information about the operations can be dynamically changed, and the weight of the operation (ie, its contribution to the crop) may vary depending on the culture;
 - Need to anticipate the possible expansion of operations and cultures, that is necessary to provide for the extension directories.

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