Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blueberries. Features of the development and useful properties.

 Blueberries - a low shrub, weed forming rootstocks. Height of shoots 30-50 cm Leaves small and narrow. Blueberries violet-black, have a white waxy coating, ripen in late autumn. Related species of blueberries - blueberries and blackberries Canadian angustifolia. All these species are similar in their properties and requirements for the growing conditions. Blueberries grow well in moist, fairly fertile soil, the reaction is close to neutral.
 On heavy clay soils should make higher doses of any organic manure (1.5-2 buckets on a square foot minimum). Well to make peat, leaf mold to improve the soil microflora necessary. If the soil is poor, the organic fertilizer should be applied to the entire area occupied by the blueberries. On fertile soils can restrict the application of organic and mineral fertilizers directly into the planting hole. If necessary, add coarse sand (at a very heavy clay soils).
 Landing pit digging a 30 by 50 cm, fill in the nutrient mixture (turf ground, mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers). In the pit, you can add ashes or bone meal. The distance between plants in a row - 1.0-1.5 m, and between the rows - 1,5-2 m Location is best to choose a sufficiently lighted, although blueberries tolerate and shading.

 When planting, the roots should be well spread, carefully sprinkle the ground and compacted earth. Plants are watered after planting. In a subsequent watering is carried out depending on soil conditions and weather conditions. Conducted in the spring of fertilization, mulch the soil around the bushes with peat, leaf humus, sawdust, crushed bark, needles of coniferous trees, and another layer of 3-5 cm
 Blueberries are not required regular trimming. If young plants are poorly branched in a natural way, the spring can shorten the longest shoots are about 1/3. At the 4-5th year should conduct thinning shrubs, cutting off the oldest and naked runners. Pruning of shoots produced at ground level to the lower lateral growth.
 Leaves and blueberries are used in folk medicine. Leaves in the form of infusions and decoctions have long been used in cataract stomach and intestines with a mobile acidity of gastric juice, with diarrhea and chronic constipation, from urolithiasis, rheumatism, pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, gout, anemia, diabetes. Grass blueberries have high antibacterial and antidiabetic properties. The fruits of bilberry used for the same purpose as the leaves. In addition, the fruits of blueberries in fresh and dried, their broths and jelly is recommended to treat the symptoms of cancer. We also know that the fruits of bilberry have a positive effect on vision. Contained in the berries nutrients, accelerate the upgrade of the retina, sensitive to light. Bilberry helps to improve vision in twilight and darkness.
 Blueberries are harvested when they are soft, blue-black with a white waxy coating. In the fridge or cellar with fresh berries persist up to a month. Used in dried form.

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