Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prepare tomato seedlings

 The first steps that need to be done with sprouts, tomatoes for a good harvest.
 1. Comfortable container. In order to grow good seedlings, you can use containers, which are at the bottom of the so-called weep holes. It is best to not use containers made of wood, because the pathogens are removed from the tree is very difficult. We would recommend the use of plastic trays or small bowls. Seeds are sown can be larger in special trays with cells. Yet they can be planted in pots torfoperegnoynye.
 2. Composting manure. We recommend using a special-purpose compost or manure, intended for planting. The container is filled with compost about 1.5 cm below the brim. Few primnite above the surface of any plate. The compost should then moisturize.
 3. Powder planted the seeds. Small seeds can not sprinkle, sprinkle a large need vermiculite or compost to a depth which is equal to about two diameters of the seed. Sprinkle the seeds should be uniformly applied, pre compost sift through a sieve. Once you prisyplete compost primnite the surface of the plaque. The pot or tray, cover with the seeds of kraft paper and put the glass top. In the future, change the paper if it will dampen.

 4. Supported temperature. To get a good harvest, we must remember that the seeds germinate in the majority at about 17-19 ° C. Well, if you can find a mini-teplichke tumble heated for growing seedlings. It is very convenient to use. It is also possible to grow the seedlings on the windowsill in the room, if you have central heating, which is usually maintained. Temperature is about 16-19 "C.
 5. Irrigation and lighting. As soon as the shoots begin to appear, it will be necessary to remove the paper and lift the glass a little bit. A few days later you can completely remove the glass and it is desirable to move our container in a place with good lighting, which will not be exposed to direct sunlight. Pots and trays are placed on your windowsill, you need to be rotated every two days. Do not let the compost be over dried. When watering seedlings it is best to use a sprayer that gives thin jet of water.
 6. Swordplay seedlings. In the phase when the seedlings will give about two true leaves, you can begin to prick in trays, pots, any small or special rassadochnye boxes, which contain the cell. In trays and pots, the seedlings begin to have a distance of about 2.5-4.5 cm apart. Once you otpikirovali seedling trays or pots should hold one - two days in the shade at a temperature of 9-11 ° C. The seedlings need watering as needed.
 7. Hardening seedlings. Once the seedlings become otkipirovannaya stronger, it can be hardened to start. This is done to prepare it for transplanting in the open ground. What you need to do? To start reinforce its airing, and then the seedlings are transferred to an unheated greenhouse. Vents in the greenhouse for one - two weeks kept private. When dry days will come, and when there is no frost, begin to slightly open the greenhouses. In one week before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse vents are left open all night. Seedlings that you have grown on a windowsill, for a start is transferred to a cold unheated room, and then expose a small number of days in the garden. And only then you can start planting.
 We wish you success in this simple and not very exciting business!

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