Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Garden on the window sill

 The yard was played out a blizzard, and in a cozy room in a small window sill, blooms spring. It has grown a mini garden, bringing joy to everyone who glances at him. Do not harvest many famous home beds, and a unique opportunity to see live plants in spite of the winter calendar.
 Who has got a garden, surely carried away yet opytnichestvom and homemade - skill, of course, necessary for the manufacture of shelves, hanging shelves and pots, pot elektroparnikov. In general, the occupation of a unique and useful. Under the windows cultivate an extensive selection of various cultures from the dill and other herbs, to cucumbers, eggplants and peppers. To that fond of. Of course, the dream of every farmer to grow cucumbers in the home.
 For this purpose, the sill must be long enough to be covered and the broad measure. So the question is usually given by home growers? Of course choosing the right grade. Indeed, seeds of cucumber enough, but they are, in general, not for the home environment. Here we need the class, get along with insufficient lighting, such as Marly, a hybrid of Alma-Ata.

 Only those classes need to hand-pollination - the procedure is not complicated, although some frightening their uniqueness. Well grow up and give the fruits of cucumber hybrids the April, Zozulya, as well as the Cucaracha and Pallas. It is these sorts and taken for thin-film coatings, but they are perfect for a mini garden on the windowsill.
 Hybrids can withstand sudden changes in temperature. The fruits are obtained palatable and fairly good size - up to 20 cm Needless to pollinate hybrid? Seeds of the April Zozulya and can bear fruit without the insects - pollinators. Just there, on the windowsill, planted several varieties, such as Nerosimy, elegant. With their pistils, pollen brush take and inflict it on women's stamens. But there are varieties of cucumbers, which do not require pollination. Their name partenokarpikami.
 And sortoobrazets selected. It now remains to take care of the nutrient substrate. Under the Harvest Land soil mixture that consists of equal parts of both humus and bog land. Sowing the seeds are, as usual, that is, the seeds are placed in a warm place and germinated, and then inoculated with one - two in small cups. Planting depth - 1 cm after need to water. first sunrises appear more quickly if the seed cups covered with glass or plastic. As the shoots appear - remove the glass or film.
 Another important detail in the winter garden - lighting. Dosvechivat a day should be from 6 to 8 hours each day to the light period on the day accounted for 12 - 16 hours. It is well suited for this fluorescent lamps or white light. For a garden window on one square meter, the power requirement should be at least 120 - 300 watts, depending on season and type of vegetable grown.
 Fluorescent lamps provide almost no heat, so they can set about, and even among plants. The light they give like the sun. Quite different behavior bulbs. They generate heat and in close proximity are not suitable.

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