Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Preparing for future landings!

 Do not think that the soil in your yard does not need care, even when he gives each year a rich harvest, the results of our work - it is not only the quality of the soil, it is also a diligent work and the constant replenishment of the soil, which will make the soil more fertile. For example, one of them - it is senseless care of the soil after harvest. We will argue with you - the soil and require care before and during the growth of the crop and after harvest. For the earth is very important - preparing for future plantings, winter, as well as ensuring the quality of land for the next year. There are several methods and advice on this matter.
 For example, one of them is to use a simple mustard (compost or special mineral powder).
 First, after the harvest is not in a hurry to remove the shovel. It is desirable to dig up the earth, then it will be smoother next year. Then buy the mustard beans in any store, and after vskopki sprinkle it around the perimeter of the site. For some time, until the air temperature, and allows other climatic conditions - mustard will grow, which means that next year the soil from it will be more rich in natural vitamins that are so beneficial to plant and water would be sufficient. In addition, the gardener will not have to dig hard to the ground - the whole process is easy and fast.

 Before the winter hibernation soil requires heat, so many experienced gardeners cover the surface of the soil with hay or fresh mown grass. In addition, this method of caring for the soil can be used all year round. In warmer months, so "littered" vacant lots, paths and so on. You can also use the leaves, twigs, fagots.
 After the arrival of spring does not begin to plant until the ground is dry enough. It is better to take care of the seeds, sprouts, and all sorts of other training. Please be patient, and improve the soil with fertilizer should only be "dry", then the effect will be in the future much better. To begin loosening soil before planting dried up, and the looseness of it as a result should be sufficiently deep, perfect - 5-10 inches deeper than it is not necessary.
 Treatment of soil with plants already planted should be made only on the ground! At the same hand make a small indentation and it is in these places pour the solution with a lure, trying not to hurt the growing planting. After that, watering the land requests and time - to settle the soil and feeding it to master this.
 Preparing perennials for winter and spring, the awakening of the same process of careful and accurate.
 Thus, in the spring when the ground dry out less, pay attention to the soil - what is its acidity and nutrition. Of course, that would check these settings, you can use special devices, but if this is not possible - just pay attention to the local inhabitants, the worms will not be in poor soil, exactly as many creatures as well. Then carefully loosen the soil, trying to do it in such a way so as not to damage the roots. Get ready for the winter carefully and take your time in the spring - a time for everything, and the harvest will be excellent.

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