Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Increased productivity strawberry.

Garden strawberry - a wonderful berry, beloved equally by adults and children. Berries it is not only very beautiful and tasty, but incredibly useful! Anyone in the garden grows this glorious plant, at least once, but wondered about increasing its productivity.
 For a start, it should be noted that conceiving organize strawberry flower bed, it is better to give preference to large-fruited varieties of strawberries remontant, which was taken quite recently - about a hundred years ago. Unlike conventional garden, it blooms continuously all summer until frost, and very long fruit: in the middle zone of the country for up to three months, and in the south - up to four or five. This is because remontant and regular garden strawberries are a variety of phototype - the first (remontant strawberries), and provides a form of inflorescence with a long 16-hour day and a high air temperature, and neremontantnaya - in short day and low temperatures, that is still in the fall .
 Growing strawberries, we must remember that this plant is very demanding on soil fertility. Fruits, it is best from the second or third year after planting, and with age, gives a smaller yield. So if your strawberry garden of 4-5 years or more, start rooting outlet at the new location.

 When choosing planting material, to exclude the sick and weak outlet. A well-rooted need to leave the mustache only 2-3 leaf pair of scissors and cut the main root. The earlier the plants will be planted, the faster they grow and give the new crop.
 The soil for planting should be well fertilized. Need to start preparing the ground in the fall, making digging manure, superphosphate, potash and lime (amount of fertilizer depends on the area of ​​land). In the spring you can further process the land nitrophosphate.
 New planting need regular watering and removal of his mustache. The plants are planted at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other, so everyone enough space and sunlight. Better to prepare the onion and garlic skins and scatter it around strawberries. Growing up bushes you can sprinkle the ashes (best after the burnt straw), it will protect the plant against pests.
 In the spring, just after the snow melts, the old plantations to remove last year's withered leaves, and proryhlit zamulchirovat soil.
 Strawberries watering is important, but as soon as it begins to bloom, it is better to stop for a while. Soil, it should be proryhlit and desirable again to hide sawdust or fir needles. This helps retain soil moisture and reduce weed germination.
 Immediately after harvest the old leaves should be cut off, leaving no more than five inches above the soil. It remains to spray and pour the cut plants. All of this contributes to next year's harvest by 15%.
 In order to increase the number of strawberry fruit, it is necessary to cut the new shoots and tendrils (if not royal plant, selected for breeding), weed, fertilize (once a season you can pour the liquid manure).
 Well, knowing these simple rules, you can easily improve the productivity of your strawberries as needed. Good luck!

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