Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And in December, has a job

 When the say so in the south, it is not in doubt. Almost all the winter pruning can be done different trees, their inoculation, working to protect from pests and diseases. But surely there is no break in the northerners? There, too, at such time, the garden needs care and attention.
 With the onset of winter and the first frosts begin to make inroads into the bark of trees and seedlings of various rodents. Do not help either tying roofing material, or nylon stockings, or spraying in late autumn or winter thaws during the different poisons - Precipitation wash everything. But here there is a way that can be used repeatedly. As the saying goes from the "cheap and cheerful."
 You can use nylon, plastic bottles. In a polyethylene bottle with a lid, put 2 - 3 tablets of naphthalene (You can put and Lysol, frightening birds with one stone. Or a combination thereof). The bank made three holes and inserted "sleeve", it is desirable from a paper glue. Fasten the sleeves inside the nuts, in this case the cap is cut off from the apex to the hole.
 In the "arms" make the hole to exit the smell. Now here and moisture will not get. The construction can be placed or hung from a tree. In the spring device is removed, placed in a plastic bag and store until next year. The sleeves can be made of rubber hose, sending it to the bottom.

 For areas with harsh winter climates, where snow is a meter or more, make inroads hares, varnish lower branches and bark. Such methods as the rattle in the tree crown, plastic strips, or an ancient technique - rubbing veerok bacon, burnt rags, sprinkled shag - do not give great results. But out there, and as always simple. And just something and need - to dig a trench about three feet in width, depth to ground. From the snow is formed around the shaft about a meter and the hares get to trees is unbearable. And the melted snow will be collected in a ditch and more go into the soil.
 But they use the snow in the Crimea, where it falls is not too much, and usually wet. Going into the garden on the melting snow, blind by a ball and roll it into the garden. Until you reach, you get a nice room, which lozhite in the barrel and cover the board. Snow water is very useful for irrigation.
 So as you can see in December, have a job, and it should not be forgotten. And now let's talk a little about the harsh climatic areas located above the Arctic Circle.
 Edge of farming is called the critical region of Murmansk, located above the Arctic Circle. Indeed, soil and climatic conditions there are too harsh for agriculture: Not all land used for growing crops, not all have the conditions for their development because of the intense relief dissection and cold climate. Fertile soil is almost there. But even in harsh conditions, people have long been trying to get their vegetables. However, satisfactory results are not always obtained. Since turnips, northerners abandoned because of cruciferous pests and potato tubers gave the size of a walnut.
 Studies carried out at the Experimental Station of VIR Pole, helped solve the problem of northern agriculture, culture and class to pick up, techniques for their cultivation. Thus, in the polar region began to develop agriculture.
 Garden area was initially quite small: for each site had to literally win every inch of ground. First unearthed sterile, virgin soil, brought peat, wood ash, raspberry bushes put off that they dug out in the bush. Then they planted sorrel, and eventually with turnips and potatoes. Gradually the gardens grew and appeared in the Celtic areas of the peninsula, tundra, forest tundra and northern taiga subzone. Since 1979 has in many enterprises and organizations of the Murmansk region have created horticultural farms. Around the towns and villages on designated plots of land have been cultivated potatoes, vegetables, berries, annuals and perennial flowers. The initiative and drive, combined with hard work, helped people learn the subtleties of farming in the harsh climatic conditions.

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