Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Should we fear the cold with no snow?

 First, let's stipulate that frost and freezing - this is not the same. Frost - is when a pool of frozen night time to melt before the end of the day. If not, then a period of frost. The main thing in this season, not to confuse the spring to autumn. The really dangerous only spring frosts. If the fall frosts hit "on a dry," not even sheltered the plants do not need to worry once again, simply continue their cover.
 Remember that you should not do in the autumn:
 - First, do not water the plants with hot water,
 - Secondly, we should not fumigate their fires
 - Thirdly, in any case do not put no manure, as it will raise the temperature of the earth,
 - Fourth, do not spray, "Zirconia" or "Epinay."
 When the temperature drops, the plants begin to go into a state of rest, if at this point to treat them with warm water, you may wake up some shoots for frost and they will die. By themselves, even in the freezing snow is not sheltered land, not terrible. Dangerous cold of minus 15 degrees, if they hold more than 2 days without snow. As a rule, in the early winter planting are most vulnerable.

How to grow agricultural products with a computer?

 To ensure stable productivity of vegetable fields, the culture should be cultivated in the agronomically correct and economically sound crop rotations. Vegetables are very responsive to improved growing conditions, so they should be put on the best predecessors, which in the area of ​​research should be considered as alfalfa, grains, cereals, root crops.
 Stipulate at the beginning of the structural features of the technology of cultivation of agricultural crops in order to identify the level of detail and separate functional tasks of the components of technology.
 In general, the problem of technology - to harvest the crop by successive technological processes (TP) and operations (TO).
 The task of the process - ensuring consistent operations through the implementation of interim targets for soil preparation, sowing (planting), care of crops, harvesting.
 Problems of technological operations - to ensure the passage of the process in accordance with the rules and agronomic requirements.
 Thus, the technology is divided into processes and manufacturing operations. In turn, manufacturing operations can be major (plowing, fertilizing, watering, etc.), support (transport), servicing (preparation, follow-up).

Increased productivity strawberry.

Garden strawberry - a wonderful berry, beloved equally by adults and children. Berries it is not only very beautiful and tasty, but incredibly useful! Anyone in the garden grows this glorious plant, at least once, but wondered about increasing its productivity.
 For a start, it should be noted that conceiving organize strawberry flower bed, it is better to give preference to large-fruited varieties of strawberries remontant, which was taken quite recently - about a hundred years ago. Unlike conventional garden, it blooms continuously all summer until frost, and very long fruit: in the middle zone of the country for up to three months, and in the south - up to four or five. This is because remontant and regular garden strawberries are a variety of phototype - the first (remontant strawberries), and provides a form of inflorescence with a long 16-hour day and a high air temperature, and neremontantnaya - in short day and low temperatures, that is still in the fall .
 Growing strawberries, we must remember that this plant is very demanding on soil fertility. Fruits, it is best from the second or third year after planting, and with age, gives a smaller yield. So if your strawberry garden of 4-5 years or more, start rooting outlet at the new location.

Blueberries. Features of the development and useful properties.

 Blueberries - a low shrub, weed forming rootstocks. Height of shoots 30-50 cm Leaves small and narrow. Blueberries violet-black, have a white waxy coating, ripen in late autumn. Related species of blueberries - blueberries and blackberries Canadian angustifolia. All these species are similar in their properties and requirements for the growing conditions. Blueberries grow well in moist, fairly fertile soil, the reaction is close to neutral.
 On heavy clay soils should make higher doses of any organic manure (1.5-2 buckets on a square foot minimum). Well to make peat, leaf mold to improve the soil microflora necessary. If the soil is poor, the organic fertilizer should be applied to the entire area occupied by the blueberries. On fertile soils can restrict the application of organic and mineral fertilizers directly into the planting hole. If necessary, add coarse sand (at a very heavy clay soils).
 Landing pit digging a 30 by 50 cm, fill in the nutrient mixture (turf ground, mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers). In the pit, you can add ashes or bone meal. The distance between plants in a row - 1.0-1.5 m, and between the rows - 1,5-2 m Location is best to choose a sufficiently lighted, although blueberries tolerate and shading.

And in December, has a job

 When the say so in the south, it is not in doubt. Almost all the winter pruning can be done different trees, their inoculation, working to protect from pests and diseases. But surely there is no break in the northerners? There, too, at such time, the garden needs care and attention.
 With the onset of winter and the first frosts begin to make inroads into the bark of trees and seedlings of various rodents. Do not help either tying roofing material, or nylon stockings, or spraying in late autumn or winter thaws during the different poisons - Precipitation wash everything. But here there is a way that can be used repeatedly. As the saying goes from the "cheap and cheerful."
 You can use nylon, plastic bottles. In a polyethylene bottle with a lid, put 2 - 3 tablets of naphthalene (You can put and Lysol, frightening birds with one stone. Or a combination thereof). The bank made three holes and inserted "sleeve", it is desirable from a paper glue. Fasten the sleeves inside the nuts, in this case the cap is cut off from the apex to the hole.
 In the "arms" make the hole to exit the smell. Now here and moisture will not get. The construction can be placed or hung from a tree. In the spring device is removed, placed in a plastic bag and store until next year. The sleeves can be made of rubber hose, sending it to the bottom.

Preparing for future landings!

 Do not think that the soil in your yard does not need care, even when he gives each year a rich harvest, the results of our work - it is not only the quality of the soil, it is also a diligent work and the constant replenishment of the soil, which will make the soil more fertile. For example, one of them - it is senseless care of the soil after harvest. We will argue with you - the soil and require care before and during the growth of the crop and after harvest. For the earth is very important - preparing for future plantings, winter, as well as ensuring the quality of land for the next year. There are several methods and advice on this matter.
 For example, one of them is to use a simple mustard (compost or special mineral powder).
 First, after the harvest is not in a hurry to remove the shovel. It is desirable to dig up the earth, then it will be smoother next year. Then buy the mustard beans in any store, and after vskopki sprinkle it around the perimeter of the site. For some time, until the air temperature, and allows other climatic conditions - mustard will grow, which means that next year the soil from it will be more rich in natural vitamins that are so beneficial to plant and water would be sufficient. In addition, the gardener will not have to dig hard to the ground - the whole process is easy and fast.

Garden on the window sill

 The yard was played out a blizzard, and in a cozy room in a small window sill, blooms spring. It has grown a mini garden, bringing joy to everyone who glances at him. Do not harvest many famous home beds, and a unique opportunity to see live plants in spite of the winter calendar.
 Who has got a garden, surely carried away yet opytnichestvom and homemade - skill, of course, necessary for the manufacture of shelves, hanging shelves and pots, pot elektroparnikov. In general, the occupation of a unique and useful. Under the windows cultivate an extensive selection of various cultures from the dill and other herbs, to cucumbers, eggplants and peppers. To that fond of. Of course, the dream of every farmer to grow cucumbers in the home.
 For this purpose, the sill must be long enough to be covered and the broad measure. So the question is usually given by home growers? Of course choosing the right grade. Indeed, seeds of cucumber enough, but they are, in general, not for the home environment. Here we need the class, get along with insufficient lighting, such as Marly, a hybrid of Alma-Ata.

Prepare tomato seedlings

 The first steps that need to be done with sprouts, tomatoes for a good harvest.
 1. Comfortable container. In order to grow good seedlings, you can use containers, which are at the bottom of the so-called weep holes. It is best to not use containers made of wood, because the pathogens are removed from the tree is very difficult. We would recommend the use of plastic trays or small bowls. Seeds are sown can be larger in special trays with cells. Yet they can be planted in pots torfoperegnoynye.
 2. Composting manure. We recommend using a special-purpose compost or manure, intended for planting. The container is filled with compost about 1.5 cm below the brim. Few primnite above the surface of any plate. The compost should then moisturize.
 3. Powder planted the seeds. Small seeds can not sprinkle, sprinkle a large need vermiculite or compost to a depth which is equal to about two diameters of the seed. Sprinkle the seeds should be uniformly applied, pre compost sift through a sieve. Once you prisyplete compost primnite the surface of the plaque. The pot or tray, cover with the seeds of kraft paper and put the glass top. In the future, change the paper if it will dampen.

Watering should fit properly

 After completing the long and heavy work in his home garden, it is time constant routine - you know that everything is planted and planted by water, loose, earth up, care for plants, which would then, there was a great result, and the table was crammed with tasty vegetables and fruits. It should be clearly understood that the proper watering of plants - a pledge of good harvest and the basic principles of irrigation will be discussed in this article.
 Did you know that water is essential to plants continuously, it is important not only for the roots, most of all the nutrients we give the leaves, it is their state and kind of talking about the general situation of landing on her health. On average, the plants need water per 300-800 liters of water for normal growth of only 1 square meter, which they occupy.
 As a rule, before planting a plant, gather information: how to water it in the future and follow the advice, as an excess or lack of moisture can lead to a poor harvest. For example, what would be right to grow a good crop of tomatoes, you should know that after landing, they require a lot of moisture, but eventually (about a few days after planting) the amount of water should be slightly reduced, watering should be measured, reasonable, once in 7-12 days, with the expectation of 20-30 liters per 1 square meter planted area. If it does not rain for a long time, it can be watered several times a week.

Blackberry, how to properly care for the berries

 Before thinking about planting a blackberry, it is important to choose plants that fruit. In addition, there are some general recommendations that emerged over the years. Blackberries in bloom beautifully, beautiful white flowers begin to bloom fruit from June to September. This berry is not just a beautiful and original, but useful. Blackberry bushes can also serve as a hedge.
 To start, determine what kind of blackberry is better to buy and how they differ from each other. I would like to advise, never buy it is not winter-hardy varieties. Blackberry propagation of two kinds: creeping and pryamostoyky. Prostrate after planting will further tie, set of support, as sort of does not allow the stability of the branches.
 When buying seedlings, note the appearance of the plants: the presence of dead branches, leaves - not a positive quality, a blackberry is not worth buying. Blackberries can also be early or late, ripens early in the summer, and late in September.
 Where to plant blackberries? This berry is like the sun, and therefore a place to land should be chosen carefully - there should be plenty of light. Before landing, enjoy a soil - Dig up, fertilize. Soil rich in humus - a pledge of excellent crops.

Garden in a city apartment

With age, even avid gardeners becomes difficult to handle your vacation site. And then some plants a garden, without leaving the apartment.
 For the device in a garden apartment required boxes. They can be made from the boards 25-30 cm in width, 60 cm in height, length also depends on the width of the balconies or terraces. Boxes installed in the ends of the loggias, each is desirable to plant no more than two plants of cucumber or tomato. If these accounts do not, you can buy plastic flower containers deep, preferably terracotta or green, or boxes used for food storage (40 * 40 * 50 cm). These tanks are filled with drainage (expanded clay or crushed brick), a quarter of the volume.
 For a better income to the roots of the air tank in the corner put the plastic tube about 1.5 cm in diameter. The lower end of the tube should be in the drainage, the upper the same - higher than a side-box of 1 cm. Then, the drainage is laid fertile soil, which can be brought from the country or buy in the store. Also, for an apartment garden needs mulch (straw, bark or cut, it can also be bought at the store colors) to reduce evaporation of moisture from the box, but in order to extend the garden season - artificial light bulbs and heaters. Include them in the fall and early spring.

The usefulness of earthworms in the garden

 Williams and Pryanishkov - known in his time a few centuries ago soil scientists made a stunning statement about the usefulness and importance of earthworms in our garden. Worms need soil, constantly "researching" our soil, they make the soil more airy, saturate it with oxygen, significantly improving the structure. Earthworms are "plowed" soil, so even a genius, Charles Darwin wrote - "earthworms dug up the earth long before us more qualitative way than the plow." Earthworms are capable of handling the soil, thereby enriching it with minerals to provide the high quality of the land. All that is obtained in the course of the worms, the academic language is called "vermicompost" - organic fertilizer. Soil zoology for many years engaged in research of those who have under their feet.
 We observe the worms from early childhood, these creatures are familiar to everyone. Earthworms are lazy and whimsical, they dig in the soil and lays larvae suggests that the soil quality. In general, where dwells a lot of worms - and the need to plant crops. Remember the example I Ranetki (apples) from its own plantations: You probably noticed that the worm-eaten apple - sweet. The worm will not exist, and consume the fruits of immature in a bad apple.

Prepare plants for winter

Almost every fall, most gardeners make a promise not to get rid of the frost-resistant plants. However, many people forget the spring of his intention. What kind of cover will suit your pet?
 The temperature inside and outside of any shelter, even if it has low thermal conductivity, is virtually the same. Do not deceive ourselves, shielding the bush, even in the highest quality insulation. It does not add heat, just helps to smooth out sudden changes in temperature and, perhaps, somewhat lower vlagoisparenie. A truly warm the plant can only land. Therefore, all too tender plants should bend low and did not use the thermal insulation between the ground and plants - all insulation should be laid only at the top. The best insulation can be regarded as the snow and, more specifically, the air, which is in the fresh snow.
 In winter, plants can suffer from dehydration, especially evergreens with a large area of ​​evaporation. Plants also can suffer from extremes of temperature, especially in early spring, when the day can warm sun, and at night the temperature drops, these drops from the bark of plants may just crack.

Features of cultivation of pepper.

Pepper - a tropical (and therefore light and teplolyubimoe) plant. Pepper also requires a lot of moisture, especially during the flowering and fruiting. If this plant will not have enough moisture, it yields him a lot snizhetsya and the quality of the fruit ceases to worse. The advantage of peppers grown seedling method. As for the seedlings will need to be grown indoors with heating.
 Grow peppers can be boxes, cups, a variety of pots. Seeds of pepper (seedlings) are planted at different times. It depends on where future growth of the plant. For example, in different times need to plant the seedlings in the greenhouse and in open ground. Seeds should be sown in about 60-70 days to complete time warming up the soil, which will be made the landing. The soil warms up to about mid-May.
 Very useful for buduyuschego plants, fertilizing the seeds of their planting or germination. At home, the seeds can sprout, and with a damp gauze.
 In the pots and boxes (which will be planted with seeds) should be a good drinazh. Poured over it a layer of loose soil to 10 cm top soil leveled and made grooves in it. Then, in these grooves, hand-placed seeds at a distance of 7 to 20 mm. All of this is filled with a thin layer of manure.Fertilizer could provide humus or sand.

In the Colorado potato beetle without chemicals

 It so happened that the garden has become the basis of a potato, a major scourge for him - the Colorado potato beetle. Every year for the replacement of old chemical drugs come more and more. And everyone chooses for himself that he is better: lots of potatoes and which may remain Chemistry, or a little less but without chemistry. According to this, many people ischut traditional methods of struggle.
 Method one: as soon as weather permits, land in several places in the garden early potatoes. Since the beetle is hungry after the winter we will meet it. It remains to collect the beetles and then destroy. To trap does not become a breeding ground. You can still donate eggplant seedlings, placing it among the potatoes. Eggplant - a delicacy for the beetle.
 The second way: as soon as the potatoes will rise, pritrusit leaves cornmeal. A hungry beetle will consume leaves with flour. Flour, swollen in the middle of the beetle will kill him.