Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Should we fear the cold with no snow?

 First, let's stipulate that frost and freezing - this is not the same. Frost - is when a pool of frozen night time to melt before the end of the day. If not, then a period of frost. The main thing in this season, not to confuse the spring to autumn. The really dangerous only spring frosts. If the fall frosts hit "on a dry," not even sheltered the plants do not need to worry once again, simply continue their cover.
 Remember that you should not do in the autumn:
 - First, do not water the plants with hot water,
 - Secondly, we should not fumigate their fires
 - Thirdly, in any case do not put no manure, as it will raise the temperature of the earth,
 - Fourth, do not spray, "Zirconia" or "Epinay."
 When the temperature drops, the plants begin to go into a state of rest, if at this point to treat them with warm water, you may wake up some shoots for frost and they will die. By themselves, even in the freezing snow is not sheltered land, not terrible. Dangerous cold of minus 15 degrees, if they hold more than 2 days without snow. As a rule, in the early winter planting are most vulnerable.

How to grow agricultural products with a computer?

 To ensure stable productivity of vegetable fields, the culture should be cultivated in the agronomically correct and economically sound crop rotations. Vegetables are very responsive to improved growing conditions, so they should be put on the best predecessors, which in the area of ​​research should be considered as alfalfa, grains, cereals, root crops.
 Stipulate at the beginning of the structural features of the technology of cultivation of agricultural crops in order to identify the level of detail and separate functional tasks of the components of technology.
 In general, the problem of technology - to harvest the crop by successive technological processes (TP) and operations (TO).
 The task of the process - ensuring consistent operations through the implementation of interim targets for soil preparation, sowing (planting), care of crops, harvesting.
 Problems of technological operations - to ensure the passage of the process in accordance with the rules and agronomic requirements.
 Thus, the technology is divided into processes and manufacturing operations. In turn, manufacturing operations can be major (plowing, fertilizing, watering, etc.), support (transport), servicing (preparation, follow-up).

Increased productivity strawberry.

Garden strawberry - a wonderful berry, beloved equally by adults and children. Berries it is not only very beautiful and tasty, but incredibly useful! Anyone in the garden grows this glorious plant, at least once, but wondered about increasing its productivity.
 For a start, it should be noted that conceiving organize strawberry flower bed, it is better to give preference to large-fruited varieties of strawberries remontant, which was taken quite recently - about a hundred years ago. Unlike conventional garden, it blooms continuously all summer until frost, and very long fruit: in the middle zone of the country for up to three months, and in the south - up to four or five. This is because remontant and regular garden strawberries are a variety of phototype - the first (remontant strawberries), and provides a form of inflorescence with a long 16-hour day and a high air temperature, and neremontantnaya - in short day and low temperatures, that is still in the fall .
 Growing strawberries, we must remember that this plant is very demanding on soil fertility. Fruits, it is best from the second or third year after planting, and with age, gives a smaller yield. So if your strawberry garden of 4-5 years or more, start rooting outlet at the new location.